How Do You Explain Advent to a Child

Advent is the season of waiting and preparing for the coming of Jesus. It begins four Sundays before Christmas Day, which is December 25. For many Christians, Advent is a time to remember that Jesus came into the world as a baby and to prepare their hearts for his coming again.

Explaining advent to a child can be difficult because it is hard to conceptualize something that hasn’t happened yet. A good way to explain it is by comparing it to other things that take time, like planting a garden or waiting for a baby brother or sister to be born. Just like those things, we have to be patient and wait for Jesus to come again.

But in the meantime, we can prepare our hearts by being extra kind and helping others, just like Jesus would want us to do.

Advent is a very special time of year for Christians. It is the time when we prepare our hearts and minds for the coming of Jesus Christ. We remember how he came into the world as a baby, born in a stable in Bethlehem.

And we look forward to his return at the end of time. Advent is a time of hope. We hope that Jesus will come again and make all things right.

We also hope that we will be ready to meet him when he comes. To help us get ready, we light candles each week during Advent. The first candle is called the Candle of Hope.

The second candle is called the Candle of Peace. The third candle is called the Candle of Joy. The fourth candle is called the Candle of Love.

During Advent, we also sing special songs and read special stories about Jesus’ birth. We might decorate our homes with Nativity scenes or Advent wreaths . On Christmas Eve, many churches have a beautiful service called A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols .

This tells the story of Jesus’ birth through readings from Scripture and carols sung by the congregation . Advent is a very special time of year!

Advent Calendar for kids

What Does Advent Mean for Kids?

Advent is a special time of year for kids. It’s a time when they can learn about the true meaning of Christmas and prepare their hearts for the coming of Jesus. There are many ways that families celebrate Advent.

Some families have an Advent wreath with four candles. Each week, they light a new candle and discuss the meaning of each candle. Other families read Bible stories together or do service projects to help others.

No matter how you celebrate Advent, it’s a special time to teach your children about God’s love for us and His plan for our salvation. It’s also a time to enjoy spending extra time together as a family and creating cherished memories.

What Do You Teach Children About Advent?

Advent is the beginning of the Christian liturgical year and falls on the fourth Sunday before Christmas Day. The word “advent” comes from the Latin word meaning “coming.” Advent is a time of expectant waiting and preparation for both the celebration of Jesus’ birth at Christmas and his return at the end of time.

During Advent, many Christians make a special effort to prepare themselves spiritually for Christmas. They do this by praying, attending worship services, giving to others, and performing acts of service. Many also choose to give up something or fast during Advent as a way to focus on preparing their hearts for Christ’s coming.

There are many ways that parents can help their children understand and celebrate Advent. Here are just a few ideas: – Read Bible stories about God’s people waiting for the Messiah (such as Isaiah 9:6-7 or Luke 1:26-38).

  • Talk about what it means to wait expectantly and how we can prepare our hearts for Jesus’ coming. This could include things like being kind to others, helping out around the house, or reading our Bible each day.
  • Put up an Advent calendar or Jesse tree with your child and take turns opening a new door or ornament each day.
    As you open each one, talk about what it represents in terms of God’s plan of salvation history. – Pray together each night during Advent, thanking God for His gift of His Son and asking Him to help you be ready to receive Him when He comes again.

How Do I Tell My Kids About Advent?

Assuming you would like tips on how to talk to your kids about Advent: Advent is the beginning of the liturgical year for Christians. It typically falls between late November and early December, and marks the start of preparations for Christmas.

Many Christian families celebrate Advent by observing a daily devotional practice such as an Advent calendar or an Advent wreath. You can begin by explaining what Advent is- that it is the start of the church year and a time when we prepare our hearts for Jesus’ birth at Christmas. You can tell them that during Advent, we light candles on an Advent wreath each week to remind us of God’s love, hope, joy, and peace.

We also often give gifts to others during this season as a reminder of how much God has given to us. You might also want to explain some of the traditions your family observes during Advent- whether that’s making an advent calendar or Jesse tree, reading certain Bible verses each day, praying together, or attending special church services. Invite your kids to be involved in planning and carrying out these traditions however they are able.

And finally, emphasize the joyous nature of this season!

How Do You Explain Advent Candles to Kids?

Advent candles are a beautiful and popular way to countdown the days until Christmas. But how do you explain them to kids? Here’s everything you need to know:

The Advent wreath is made of evergreen branches formed into a circle. There are four candles placed around the wreath – three purple and one pink. The purple candles represent hope, love, and joy.

The pink candle represents peace. Each week leading up to Christmas, one candle is lit. On the first Sunday of Advent, the first candle is lit.

On the second Sunday, the second candle is lit and so on. The final candle, the Christ Candle, is lit on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. The lighting of the Advent candles is a special time for families to gather together and reflect on what each week’s message means for them personally.

It’s also a reminder that Jesus is coming soon!

The Days of Advent Introduction – Brother Francis 17 clip

Advent Definition

Advent is a Christian season of anticipation, preparation, and hope in anticipation of the birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas. The word “advent” comes from the Latin word meaning “coming.” Advent begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas Day, which can fall anywhere between November 27 and December 3.


Advent is the season of waiting and preparation for Christmas. It begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas Day and lasts until Christmas Eve. Many Christians observe Advent by lighting candles, praying, and giving gifts.

Some people find it difficult to explain Advent to children because it is a time of both waiting and celebration. However, there are several ways to explain Advent to kids. One way is to tell them that Advent is like a journey towards Christmas.

Another way is to compare it to a story that has yet to be revealed. Finally, some people use objects such as an Advent wreath or an Advent calendar to help kids understand the concept of Advent. No matter how you choose to explain it, the most important thing is that your child understands that Advent is a special time leading up to the birth of Jesus Christ.

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