What Kind of Wood Chips for Chicken Run

There are many types of wood chips that can be used for chicken runs, but not all are created equal. Some are too soft and will decompose quickly, while others are too hard and can injure your chickens’ feet. Here is a breakdown of the different types of wood chips and what they’re best suited for.

There are a few things to consider when deciding what kind of wood chips to use for your chicken run. The first is whether you want them to be treated or untreated. Treated wood chips have been treated with chemicals that help protect them from rot and insect damage, but they can also be more expensive.

Untreated wood chips will need to be replaced more often, but they’re less expensive up front. Another thing to consider is the size of the wood chips. Smaller chips will decompose faster, so they’ll need to be replaced more often.

But, they’ll also provide more footing for your chickens and help keep their feet dryer. Larger chips will last longer, but can make it harder for your chickens to get around and may not provide as much traction. Finally, think about how deep you want the wood chips to be.

A deeper layer will last longer before needing to be replaced, but it will also take longer for the chickens’ manure to break down and fertilize the soil beneath. A shallower layer will break down faster and provide nutrients sooner, but won’t last as long overall. The best way to decide what kind of wood chips are right for your chicken run is to experiment a bit and see what works best for you and your flock!

How We Use Woodchips For Our Chickens

What Wood Chips are Best for a Chicken Run?

Wood chips are an excellent choice for a chicken run because they provide a comfortable, dry surface for the chickens to walk on. They also help to keep the run clean by absorbing moisture and chicken droppings. Wood chips should be replaced regularly, as they will eventually break down and become compacted.

Can You Put Wood Chips in Chicken Run?

No, you cannot put wood chips in a chicken run. Chickens will peck at the wood chips and ingest them which can cause blockages and other digestive issues. Wood chips can also harbor bacteria and other pathogens that can make chickens sick.

It’s best to avoid using them in chicken runs altogether.

What is the Best Thing to Put on the Ground in a Chicken Run?

There are a few things to consider when choosing what to put on the ground in a chicken run. The main thing is that the material should be safe for chickens and provide good drainage. Some popular choices include gravel, sand, or wood chips.

Another thing to consider is how easy the material will be to clean out of the run. Gravel and sand can be easily shoveled out, while wood chips may require some raking to remove.

What is the Best Bedding for Chicken Runs?

Chickens are comfortable at temperatures between 20-24°C and will start to feel the cold below 16°C. They will also suffer in wet and damp conditions. Bedding material should therefore be dry, absorbent and offer some insulation.

There are many options for bedding material, but the most popular seem to be wood shavings (such as pine or spruce), straw or hay. There is no definitive answer as to which is best, and it may depend on your individual chickens’ preferences. Some people find that their chickens prefer one type of bedding over another, so it’s worth experimenting to see what works best for your flock.

Wood shavings are relatively dust-free and absorbent, making them a good option for chicken coops. However, they can be expensive to buy in large quantities. Straw and hay are cheaper alternatives, but they can be more messy and dusty.

It’s important to make sure that any straw or hay you use is free from mould or mildew, as this can cause respiratory problems in chickens. Whichever type of bedding you choose, make sure it is changed regularly to keep the coop clean and hygienic.


Where to Buy Hardwood Chips for Chicken Run

If you have chickens, you may want to consider adding hardwood chips to their chicken run. Hardwood chips are a great way to provide your chickens with a natural source of enrichment and fun. They can also help keep the chicken run clean and dry.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when purchasing hardwood chips for your chicken run: The type of wood: There are many different types of wood that you can choose from, but not all woods are created equal. Avoid using treated wood, as the chemicals can be harmful to your chickens.

Instead, opt for untreated hardwoods like oak or maple. These woods will weather well and won’t rot easily. The size of the chips: The size of the chip is important because you don’t want your chickens to choke on them or get them stuck in their throats.

A good rule of thumb is to look for chips that are about the size of a quarter. The price: Hardwood chips can be found at most hardware stores or online retailers. Prices will vary depending on the type and quantity of wood that you purchase.

However, hardwood chips are generally very affordable and definitely worth the investment if you have chickens!


If you have chickens, you may be wondering what kind of wood chips to use in their chicken run. There are many different types of wood chips, and each has its own benefits and drawbacks. Here is a rundown of some of the most popular types of wood chips for chicken runs:

Pine Wood Chips: Pine is a softwood that is often used in animal bedding. It has a high absorbency rate, so it can help keep your chicken run dry. However, pine also has a strong smell that some chickens may find unpleasant.

Cedar Wood Chips: Cedar is another softwood that is often used in animal bedding. Like pine, it has a high absorbency rate and can help keep your chicken run dry. However, cedar also repels pests and has a pleasant smell that chickens tend to enjoy.

Oak Wood Chips: Oak is a hardwood that is not as commonly used in animal bedding. It has a lower absorbency rate than pine or cedar, so it may not be ideal for keeping your chicken run dry. However, oak does have a very strong flavor that some chickens may enjoy pecking at.

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