Why is My Gel Top Coat Pitting

If you’ve ever used a gel top coat, you know that it’s an amazing product. It goes on smoothly, dries quickly, and makes your nails look incredible. But what happens when your gel top coat starts to pit?

Why is this happening, and how can you fix it? There are a few reasons why your gel top coat might be pitting. First, it could be that the top coat is too thick.

When this happens, the top coat doesn’t adhere properly to the nail surface and starts to lift up. Second, your nails might not be clean enough before applying the gel top coat. Any oils or residue on your nails will prevent the gel from adhering properly.

Finally, it could be that you’re not curing the gel correctly. If you don’t cure for the full recommended time, the gel won’t set properly and will start to pit.

If you’ve ever applied a gel top coat and found that it’s pitting, you may be wondering why. There are actually a few reasons why this can happen, and understanding them can help you avoid the issue in the future. One reason for pitting is simply because the nails were not properly prepped before application.

If there is any oil or residue on the nails, it can cause the gel to pit. Always make sure your nails are clean and dry before applying gel polish. Another reason for pitting can be due to using an old or expired gel top coat.

Always check the expiration date on your gels and discard them when they’re past their prime. Using an old gel will not only cause pitting, but it can also lead to other issues like lifting and chipping. Finally, pitting can also occur if the gel is applied too thickly.

Be sure to follow the instructions on your particular brand of gel polish, as each one will have different recommendations for thickness. Applying too much gel will cause it to take longer to cure properly and can also lead to bubbling and pitting. If you find yourself with pitted gel polish, don’t despair!

There are a few ways to fix it. First, try gently buffing out the pits with a fine-grit file or buffer pad. If that doesn’t work, you may need to remove all of the polish and start again from scratch.

Top 5 Gel Polish Issues & How to Fix Them

Why is My Gel Top Coat Not Smooth?

If you’ve applied your gel top coat and it’s not smooth, there are a few things that could be causing this. The first is that the base coat wasn’t properly smoothed out before the top coat was applied. Make sure that you take the time to really smooth out the base coat so that it’s completely even before moving on to the top coat.

Another possibility is that the top coat was applied too thick. This can cause unevenness and bubbling, so be sure to apply a thin, even layer of top coat. Finally, make sure that you’re curing properly after applying the top coat.

If you don’t cure long enough or if you don’t use proper curing techniques, this can also lead to an uneven or bubbly finish.

What Causes Holes in Gel Nails?

One of the most common causes of holes in gel nails is incorrect application. If the gel is not applied correctly, it can cause the formation of bubbles which can eventually lead to holes. Another common cause is using a lower quality gel that is not designed for use on natural nails.

This type of gel is more likely to cause bubbling and ultimately, holes. Finally, simply wearing the gels for too long can also cause them to become brittle and break down, leading to holes forming.

What Causes Gel Top Coat to Separate?

Gel top coats are designed to protect your nails and extend the life of your manicure. However, sometimes gel top coats can separate from the nail polish underneath, causing your manicure to lose its shine and durability. There are a few different reasons why gel top coats can separate from the nail polish beneath them.

One common reason is that the base coat or color coat was not properly cured before applying the gel top coat. UV light is necessary to cure both regular nail polish and gel nail polish, so make sure that you’re getting enough exposure to curing light when you’re doing your manicure. Another reason why gel top coats might separate is because they’ve been stored in a warm or humid place for too long.

Gelpolish should be stored in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight in order to maintain its consistency. If it’s stored improperly, it can start to thicken up or even become gooey, which will cause it to lift off of the nail Polish underneath when applied. If you find that your gel top coat is separating from your manicure, you can try reapplying it after making sure that the base coat and color coat are properly cured.

You can also try storing it in a cooler location if possible (but not in the fridge!) until use. If neither of these solutions works, then you may need to get a new bottle of gel polish altogether.

Why is My Gel Top Coat So Chunky?

If you’ve ever applied a gel top coat and found that it’s chunky or goopy, you’re not alone. There are a few reasons why this can happen, but thankfully there are also some easy solutions. One reason your gel top coat may be chunky is because it’s too old.

Gel polish has a shelf life of about 6 months to 1 year, so if yours is older than that it may have thickened up. Another reason may be that the temperature in your home is too cold – gels need to be stored in a cool, dark place to stay fresh. If neither of these is the problem, then it’s likely that your gel top coat has gotten contaminated with something from your nails (like lotion or oil) which can make it thicken up.

The good news is that all of these problems can be fixed easily! If your gel top coat is old, simply buy a new one. If it’s too cold where you’re storing it, try moving it to a warmer spot or keeping it in its box until you’re ready to use it.

And if contamination is the issue, just make sure your nails are clean and dry before applying the gel top coat (you can even use rubbing alcohol to clean them beforehand). With these tips in mind, you should have no problem getting your gel top coat back to normal!

neil Coat Pitting

Why is My Gel Top Coat Sticky

If you’ve ever applied a gel top coat and found that it’s sticky, you’re probably wondering why. There are a few reasons why your gel top coat might be sticky, and fortunately, they’re all easily fixable! One reason your gel top coat might be sticky is because the nail polish underneath isn’t completely dry.

When applying gel topcoat, make sure to wait until the polish underneath is totally dry – otherwise, the moisture can cause the topcoat to become tacky. Another reason for sticky gel topcoat is using too much product. When applying gel polish, be sure to use a thin layer of topcoat – if it’s too thick, it will take longer to dry and can end up feeling tacky.

Finally, make sure that your nails are free of any oils before applying gel polish. Oils from your skin can prevent the polish from adhering properly, which can lead to a sticky finish. To remove oils from your nails, simply wipe them with some rubbing alcohol before starting your manicure.

If you follow these tips, you should have no problem avoiding sticky gel topcoat!


If you use gel top coat and have noticed that it’s pitting, don’t worry! You’re not alone. This is a common issue that can happen for a few reasons.

First, if your nails are not completely clean before applying the gel top coat, it can cause pitting. Make sure to clean your nails with soap and water (or an acetone nail polish remover) to remove any oils or debris. Another reason why your gel top coat may be pitting is because you’re not curing it properly.

Be sure to cure each layer of gel polish under a UV or LED light for the recommended time specified by the manufacturer. If you don’t cure the gel long enough, it will remain tacky and more susceptible to pits forming. Finally, make sure you’re using a high-quality gel top coat.

Cheap knock-offs may not cure correctly or wear as well, which can also lead to pitting. If you’re having trouble with pitting, try switching to a different brand of gel top coat and see if that makes a difference.

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