Why was the Kitchen the Hub of the Puritan Home

The kitchen was the hub of the Puritan home for many reasons. It was the room where food was prepared and typically eaten. It was also the room where families gathered to socialize and spend time together.

The kitchen was usually the warmest room in the house, which made it a comfortable place to gather. Additionally, the fireplace in the kitchen was often used for cooking, so it served as a gathering place for family members who were preparing meals.

The Kitchen was the Hub of the Puritan Home for many reasons. The first reason is that it was where all the food was prepared. This meant that it was the room where all the family gathered to eat and socialize.

It was also a place where guests were often entertained. Another reason why the kitchen was so important in Puritan homes is because it was usually located near the front door. This made it convenient for people to come in and out, and also allowed for easy supervision of children.

Additionally, having the kitchen near the front door helped keep Puritan homes warm since heat would rise from the stove area. Lastly, kitchens were often used as a workspace for Puritan women. They would use this space to sew, knit, or do other household chores.

This gave them a sense of purpose and helped contribute to their families’ well-being.


What was the Kitchen the Hub of in Puritan Homes

In Puritan homes, the kitchen was the hub of activity. It was where families gathered to cook, eat and socialize. The kitchen was also a place where women spent a lot of time preparing food and cleaning up after meals.

Why was the Kitchen the Hub of Puritan Homes

The kitchen was the hub of Puritan homes for a number of reasons. The primary reason was that it was the room where food was prepared. This meant that the kitchen was where women spent a great deal of their time.

In addition, the kitchen was often used as a gathering place for family and friends. It was also one of the few rooms in the home that had a fire, which provided warmth in the winter months.

How Did the Role of the Kitchen Change Puritan Families

In the 1600s, the average family size in New England was seven children. That’s a lot of mouths to feed! The kitchen was the heart of the home and the center of all activity.

Families spent most of their time in this one room, eating, working, and socializing. The Puritans were a religious group who came to America in search of religious freedom. They had strong beliefs about hard work and self-reliance.

These values were reflected in their kitchens, which were simple and functional. There was no place for frivolous decoration or extravagance. One important way that Puritan kitchens differed from those of other cultures was in their use of fireplaces.

Most homes in Europe at this time had open hearths in their kitchens where meals were cooked over an open flame. This was dangerous and resulted in many accidental fires. The Puritans solved this problem by building enclosed fireplaces with a stone or brick surround.

This kept the flames contained and made it much safer to cook indoors. Another difference was that Puritan families ate together at communal tables instead of individually like most other cultures did at this time. This allowed them to share ideas and have discussions while they ate—something that would have been difficult to do if everyone had their own plate of food in front of them.

The last major difference between Puritan kitchens and those of other cultures was the lack of servants. In most homes during this era, there were several servants who did all the cooking and cleaning while the family members relaxed or entertained guests elsewhere in the house. The Puritans believed that work should be done by all members of the community, so everyone pitched in to help with chores around the kitchen (and everywhere else).

Puritan Home

Why were Puritan Schools Referred to As Dame Schools?

In the 1600s, Puritan colonists in New England established dame schools, which were small private schools typically run out of a woman’s home. The term “dame” was used to refer to the school’s female proprietor. These early Puritan schools were generally geared towards boys and girls between the ages of six and 10.

One reason why these schools were referred to as dame schools is because they were often run by widowed women who needed to supplement their income. Another reason is that most of the teachers at these schools were women (hence the name). While today we think of elementary school as a time for learning basic academics like reading, writing, and arithmetic, in Puritan times there was also a strong emphasis on religious instruction.

At dame schools, children would learn Bible stories and memorize passages from Scripture. They would also be taught how to live according to Puritan values such as hard work, thriftiness, and honesty. So why were Puritan Schools called Dame Schools?

There are a few reasons! First, they were usually run by women teachers (or dames), secondly many of these women were widows who needed to support themselves financially, and lastly because religious instruction was such an important part of the curriculum.


The kitchen was the hub of the Puritan home because it was where food was prepared and eaten. It was also a place where families gathered to socialize and where children were taught how to cook and clean. The kitchen was a central part of Puritan life because it was a place where people came together to perform essential tasks and to enjoy each other’s company.

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